Our friend, Barb
had the opportunity to go with Gretchen last week to Algonones, Mexico, so she
wanted to share the same experience with us.
It’s a little bit of a drive from Quartzite, AZ to Algonones, Mexico (88
miles +/-), so we had plenty of time to enjoy the scenery and share
stories. Driving up Hwy 95, Barb asked,
“Do y’all see the Scotty dog on the mountain?”
See the nose, forehead, ear, and the
little tail? |
Shortly we
made our way to Algodones, Mexico which is an unusual little border town.
What’s so unusual about Algodones, you might ask? Within a four block radius
there are more pharmacies, doctors, dentists and opticians than any similar
four block area anywhere else in the world! And, this “border medical land”
attracts thousands of Americans and Canadians weekly. What’s the big
attraction? You can find heavily discounted prescriptions, eye-glasses, and
medical and dental care. And, if you listen to your friends in the snowbird RV
parks, they can tell you that the care from their Algodones doctor or dentist is
as good as anywhere back in The States or Canada.
First building you see when you walk out the corral, dentist
office with a Mercedes in front. Huh...what does that tell ya?
The guy in the white sweat shirt is trying to convince Barb
and Jerry to try this dentist office. He was
offering teeth cleaning for $20, however we all passed.
Just like
any border town in Mexico, it’s best to look around before you attempt to
purchase anything. That goes for pharmaceuticals, vanilla, souvenirs or liquor.
Remember, the Algodones shopping area is only four blocks. Once you find your
deal, don’t stop there! Jerry was looking
for a nice leather belt, he finally found one, starting price… $35. He finally got it for $18!! Sweet Deal!!
walking and dodging all the vendors, we decided it was time to grab some
food. Good news! Most people can eat the
food served in the local restaurants and have a margarita without worrying
about water-related and food issues. We had chicken fajitas, however no
Margarita’s this time as it was just too COLD to be drinking for us, however no
problems with the food. We enjoyed
dining at El Paraiso, The Garden Place. The patio is not easy to find as it’s
in the center of one of the shopping blocks, however locals can direct you. Of course, dining in Mexico is quite different
than in the states, as vendors went table to table trying to sell their treasures. While this added to
the color of the experience, we were glad that they easily took “no, thanks,”
for an answer.

Adding to our experience; we had a
good waiter as well as a great sense of humor.
Being a chilling day in Mexico (around 50 degrees), Deb was
freezing!! This is after having several
layers of clothes on, plus her jacket.
Well, Deb was treated like royalty!!
Our waiter noticed Deb was cold, so came over and said, “He was going to
build a fire right next to her.” GREAT, jokingly
Deb said “you do, get a BIG tip”…LOL.
Next came new mittens, then this colorful yellow table cloth draped
around her. Jerry asked “How much is a BIG tip to you?” Oh maybe $5, then we noticed the bill had and
extra $6.50 added to it, so guess he did get a BIG tip!!
After that dining experience it was time to head back to do some more
shopping in Yuma, AZ. First, the true fun begin; trying to get back to United
States soil. One vendor was saying; “You
want to avoid the lines, let me know.”
We were thinking; just another way to try and get your money before
leaving!! And we continue
walking….. Shortly we found ourselves
standing in a LONG line, about an hour wait.
Avoid the lines? A sweet escape route only cost
$5/person. Only wish we would have ask
how to avoid the lines earlier!!
After a day of
shopping; Barb wanted to take us through the farm land, which you could find
different types of lettuce, spinach, date palm trees, and different fruit
trees. Stop by Imperial Date Gardens (location Bard,
California on Road S24) to get some ice cream, however we elected to try a
Medjool Date Shake. Not something you
get every day, but quite tasty. They even shared their recipe, so we
decided to pass it along.
Imperial Date Shakes
2 Scoops of vanilla ice cream
8 oz. milk
2 Tbsp. of Medjool date butter (or 3 dates)
Blend to thick consistency
may not be able to control yourself after you’ve tasted one.
The Medjool is the gourmet date unquestionably the
largest, meatiest, and most favorable variety we have ever tasted. For more details or ordering, click here
Medjool Date Village with
some farm land in front. | | | |
Mexico December 2011 | | |
Happy Trails, now to leave you something to think about….
"All men dream, but
not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds,
wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are
dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them